Paving the Path for Staffing Shortages

Industry’s Evolution: Paving the Path for Staffing Shortages

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve noticed it: Staffing shortages are everywhere. Estimates vary, but it is clear that there are millions more job openings than available candidates. This creates a massive burden on businesses in various industries, although the burden has fallen particularly hard on the trucking, hospitality, and insurance fields.

Thankfully, options are available for these stressed industries to find alternative hiring solutions. Businesses like Recruitment Process Outsourcing companies — and experts like StaffWorthy — can make a huge difference in filling your job vacancies.

Staffing in Trucking

Few industries have been impacted by staffing shortages, as severely as the trucking industry. Currently, estimates hold that the United States is short 80,000 drivers, expected to double in the next eight years. It’s understandable why there are recruitment shortages in the trucking industry, given that it can be a hazardous and isolating profession.

Unfortunately, these shortages are causing significant issues up and down the supply chain. If you look under the hood, you’ll see many factors contributing to the truck driver shortage. Chief among them? An increase in automation. Automation has constantly threatened traditional jobs, and these issues are increasing in the trucking industry. Estimates vary, but some estimates show that fully automatic trucks could be on the road by 2023. This is not a secret, and anyone interested in a long-term career may look to a more secure field where they are less likely to be replaced.

However, more is needed to solve the shortage problem right now. Truck driver shortages are increasing pressure on those currently in the industry, forcing them to drive for more extended periods more often, thus potentially leading to more accidents. Of course, this creates a vicious cycle: As driving becomes more dangerous job than the others, fewer people want to drive.

What does this mean for your logistics or trucking facility? Simple: You must look more complex than ever and explore creative solutions to hire the drivers you need, ensure they clear a background check, and determine how much to pay. This expertise can be challenging to find, and it explains why more and more businesses are looking to Recruitment Process Outsourcing businesses to hire the truckers they need.

Staffing in Hospitality

Another well-known industry experiencing job shortages is the hospitality industry. This industry — including restaurants, specific retail segments, hotels, and tourism — took a massive beating post-COVID. Not only were many businesses in this industry segment shut down, but many workers left the industry, finding that they could get better jobs elsewhere or at least find safer jobs that didn’t expose them to customer anger or the pandemic.

These issues are not minor. To be clear, the hospitality industry has seen more people leave it than any other industry. Current estimates have found that at least 1.8 million people left this sector.

Again, automation has picked up the slack. Various contactless options have emerged as the preferred way of making up for the shortages within the hospitality industry, with automation helping to clean rooms, provide customer service, serve food, and more. While this has helped to alleviate specific labor shortages, it has also created a new problem, as people are typically more afraid to enter industries where automation is on the rise.

As such, automation is not just an answer to the shortage of employees within the job industry but also a cause of these issues. This puts an array of pressure on businesses that need help to afford to automate: They now have to compete with better-paying and less stressful industries. This puts increased pressure on companies seeking to find workers. They must find the right people to recruit, pay them an industry-appropriate wage, and give them career-advancement opportunities. To say that this is a challenge for many hospitality industry members is an understatement. It helps explain why so many hospitality businesses are turning to Recruitment Process Outsourcing to fill their vacancies.

Staffing in Insurance

The insurance industry is also facing particularly unique challenges driven by the changing face of work in America and mainly by competing factors.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost everyone who could work from home took the opportunity, and tens of millions of Americans continue to work from home in some capacity. This should decrease auto insurance rates, as people are now driving fewer miles. Yet, despite these changes in driving habits, more accidents are occurring, increasing injuries and fatalities. This means that car insurance rates are rising despite reduced average driving times.

What does this mean for the insurance industry and the workers in it? First, new ways of thinking are required. Computers and algorithms are primarily responsible for handling rate changes and calculating insurance protection, but people are still needed despite the rise in automation in this field. More to the point, creative thinkers are needed more than ever. For example, it is no longer enough to be able to read a computer’s output. An individual must have the right skills to see what a computer misses and make the appropriate insights.

This is a problem in the best of circumstances, but like other industries, the insurance industry needs more staff, with more people leaving the insurance industry than entering it. This again emphasizes talent recruitment and retention, and it helps to drive the idea that insurance companies may want to rely on outside expertise to obtain the talent they need.

The StaffWorthy Difference

At StaffWorthy, we understand the challenges you face. As a Recruitment Process Outsourcing company, we have the talent to find qualified staff for your industry, regardless of the position. In addition, we can work in various ways, offering flexible plans that would benefit your business to fulfill its vacancies affordably and efficiently.

Want more information? Contact us today, and learn how we can help your business operate, grow, and thrive.

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